EEG recordings in the practice or mobile - easier than ever.
Mobile EEG
The F1 EEG System is manufactured in Germany. The EEG cap combines easy handling with almost unlimited mobility. Recordings with the F1 EEG System are reliable and at the highest clinical level. At the same time, the cap relieves doctors, assistants and patients from the complexity of conventional EEG devices.

Your advantages...

Automated electrodes positioning

Variable Dry Electrodes

Easy to use by anyone at the clinic

Patient Mobility via Wireless System

Home Monitoring

System Mobility Outside the Practice
The F1 System

The medically certified F1 EEG cap with dry electrodes is suitable and approved for use in practices, clinics and research. Neither pre-treatment of the scalp nor a contact paste is required to record the EEG. Due to its mobility and ease of use, the F1 EEG cap can be used both in the doctor’s office and in the patient’s home environment, even for hours if necessary.
Thanks to this flexibility, in many cases diseases can be better diagnosed that otherwise cannot be examined or cannot be examined thoroughly enough due to time constraints. The F1 EEG System can be used in the home under standard room conditions, but also outdoors, e.g. on the balcony or in the garden near the home. It can be used for at least 4 hours with a fully charged battery. The F1 EEG System also opens up new perspectives in research (e.g. Brain Computer Interface (BCI), neurofeedback).

F1 EEG System Components
Each set of the F1 EEG System contains: three sizes of the “F1 cap” including exchangeable dry electrodes (“F1 electrodes”), the “F1 amplifier” with exchangeable battery, three electrode cables for attaching external disposable electrodes (twice reference mastoid, once heart rate), “F1 wristband marker”, laptop with software “F1 Lab” and tablet with Android app “F1 Home”.
EEG device with up to 32 channels + ECG and reference electrodes (mastoid) for medical or research applications.

The cap is made of biocompatible materials, including silicone. Full coverage according to the 10-20 system is provided. This is ensured by integrated front electrodes, three electrode cables attached to the cap (ECG electrode and reference electrodes) and 31 slots. This guarantees an even distribution of the electrodes. The F1 EEG cap is connected directly to the F1 amplifier by a dedicated mount. The electronics also contain an HF receiver that receives the event markers sent by a wristband marker and embeds them synchronously in the EEG data.
With replaceable battery suitable for long-term recording.

The amplifier is used to convert the measured currents into digital signals. These are transmitted to the PC via a WLAN connection and stored in parallel on the integrated memory. The WLAN connection is established via a separate network, which is set up by the amplifier itself and to which only the F1 Lab or the F1 Home software can connect. The amplifier also contains an RF receiver, which can receive the markers sent by the wristband and embed them into the EEG data.
Wrist Marker
Wrist marker for marking relevant events during recording.

If the patient wants to send a marker during a recording, e.g. (B) in case of dizziness or to draw the doctor’s attention to a part of the recording, the wrist marker can be used to send a marker by pressing the button shown in the figure below. This is embedded synchronously in the recording. The wrist marker designed to be worn like a watch.


Easy to use app on the dedicated tablet to have an overview about placement of the electrodes.

Technical Specifications
0 – 150 Hz @ 1000Hz
(Fully DC Couple)
0 – 150 Hz @ 1000Hz
(Fully DC Couple)
Data Streaming: 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11g Sync Marker: 868/915 MHz RF Receiver
The Software Kit

The F1Lab software enables patient registration, recording, playback of the EEG and reporting. The recording is saved by the amplifier and transferred to the laptop via WLAN. If the laptop is nearby (e.g. in the practice), the transmission is live and in real-time. Otherwise (e.g. if the F1 EEG cap is used in the patient’s home), the recording is transmitted at a later time.
We accompany you through consultation, purchase and use of our product. We offer continuous maintenance and repair or individual services on request. Contact us to find the ideal support for you.